
my walking weBlog

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Hacked and Whacked Kennedy Flat 


Kapoor Regional Park Sooke River Thursday morning I drove my Benz 40km (24miles) to Sooke Potholes Campground.
With my bike firmly mounted on its bikerack and my Burley Cargo Bike Trailer on the back seat I was ready to cycle to Leechtown.
More precicely, cycle to Kennedy Flat, located at the confluence of the Sooke and Leech River — where the 1864 Leechtown site was located.
Nothing remains of the former gold mining town as the forest has reclaimed its own in totality (as it is wont to do).
The kids, grandkids and great-grandkids were set up in the campground for a three-night stay.
I had time for a short visit before heading back home in Victoria, BC.
The forest — as it has done with Leechtown — is actively trying to reclaim Kennedy Flat as well.

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Cycled 18km Loop Sooke Potholes to Leechtown 

Father's Day Biking Quadtych “This is where I went and this is what I saw.” Our son took me on a bike ride to Leechtown for Father's Day
We've cycled together many times over the past sixteen years.
The lad took quite a tumble over his handlebars due to a stick jamming his front wheel.
The surrounding surfaces were small brush and soft understory so he survived unscathed — actually came up laughing!
We noted Kennedy Flat (at the confluence of the Sooke and Leech rivers) is getting quite overgrown by the forest reclaiming its own.
There's also many large logs floated hither and yon by the floodwater released from Deception Reservoir over the past winter.

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Jordie Lunn Memorial Bike Park Langford 


Jordie Lunn Bike Park Clubhouse Thursday morning I drove the Benz to Langford BC and walked a Jordie Lunn Bike Park Trail.
It was early so I pretty much had the place to myself.
Afterward, I put the drone up over Westhills Housing Development and put the drone up.

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Saturday, June 08, 2024

Cowichan Valley Trail Washout 

Brian Farquhar Saturday morning I drove 60km to Duncan, BC to cycle 14km
The local news reported a 40-metre section of the Cowichan Valley Trail between Agira Road and Sherman Road in Duncan was damaged during heavy rains in November 2021.
Funding from the provincial program for repairs up to $848,575 was confirmed last July for both the trail and the culvert
Being very familiar with this section of trail — which goes 28km to Lake Cowichan — I wanted to see for myself.
After surveying the situation (pun intended) I cycled the 7km up to the Chinese Cemetery (another familiar spot)
I was back home in Victoria BC before noon.

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